IgCo Natural Colostrum Skim Milk
This is a natural health product extracted from the colostrum of New Zealand cows. It's a superior food that does not only possess the delicious taste of milk, but contains: Immune Factors - neutralize bacteria, viruses & fungi; also helps fight cancer; contains 150 mg of Immunoglobulin G in EVERY SACHET. Growth Factors - promote normal growth, repair tissues & delay aging. Nutrient Factors - provide vital nutrients, vitamins & minerals. Medical doctors are now usinh and recommending thiis product with amazing results! Health benefits range from preventing cough, colds & flu to better quality of sleep & memory, with the latter seen in cases of senile dementia. https://www.scribd.com/document/384807184/IgCo-Natural-Colostrum-Skim-Milk https://www.pressreader.com/philippines/philippine-daily-inquirer-1109/20100919/284399850509171 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU3vX5pSAWI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA8ioANkfnw https://www.webmd.com/vit...